EA FTL Lightning "Triangular Correlation" Wuxiaoming System for All Broker

Halo para trader triangular korelasi, salam profit with low DD,..
Hari ini saya akan menshare salah satu EA triangular correlation versi terbaik yaitu EA FTL Lightning yang mengadopsi sistem trading dari wuxiaoming. Kita ketahui triangular korelasi adalah salah satu sistem trading dengan profit yang konsisten dan  merupakan salah satu trading style paling aman dengan low DD nya. Hal ini dikarenakan semua pairs yang ditradingkan saling hedge sehingga floathing loss dan floathing profitnya sangat kecil.

Dalam trading triangular correlation deret pair yang ditradingkan dalam satu grid harus memenuhi formula A/B, A/C dan B/C seperti tabel di bawah ini.
Cara trading triangular full hedge adalah mengambil pair A/C (deret tengah dalam tabel di atas) sebagai oposisi... jadi posisinya harus buy A/B sell A/C buy B/C atau sell A/B buy A/C sell B/C.

Dalam trading sistem triangular korelasi dari Wuxiaoming, pairs yang digunakan ada 2 grup yaitu:
1. eur/usd, eur/jpy dan usd/jpy
2. gbp/usd, gbp/cad dan usd/cad

kedua grup triangular korelasi tersebut dipilih bukan tanpa alasan, akan tetapi kalau kita lihat index pairsnya yaitu EUR, USD, JPY, GBP dan CAD kesemuanya mempunyai high news impact TRADE BALANCE, artinya bagaimanapun GAP yang dihasilkan dari index pair tersebut pada akhirnya akan dikembalikan ke posisi semula.

Tampilan pada Chart

Tampilan setting parameter

Dan yang pasti EA FTL Lightning bisa di pakai di semua broker meski dengan hasil yang berbeda. Ini adalah hasil trade menggunakan broker tickmill
Bagi yang berminat menggunakan EA FTL Lightning bisa didownload langsung disini

Lihat investor account wuxiaoming
Account login id 60304
Password r6pimbd
Server CsiGroupLtd-Live
Login only at mobile

Bagi yang ingin test di CSI broker seperti Wuxiaoming MT4 bisa didownload disini

Silahkan di share tapi jangan lupa sumbernya ya.. thanks!!! Salam profit with low DD

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. expired nya kapan om? bisa di akun real?

  3. coba dlu di demo gan,.. bisa kog di real,.. 1 bulan sekali kamu download ulang,.. setiap tanggal 25

  4. mas ini EA nya bisa dipake di broker apa aja ya?
    apakah EA ini model arbitrage atau bukan?

    1. bisa di semua broker gan,.. selain CSI kemungkinan membutuhkan ratio lots setting

  5. 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaBxVZ5y5sU&feature=youtu.be

    2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygP8bc0v22U&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop

    3) https://silverstarbuilder.com/join/?sponsor=sebslifeatm&rt=c

  6. why it always show 'daily target reached'

  7. klo di tes expired mulu dan floating terpaksa di cut.
    ga ada yg ga expired kah gan

    1. download lagi gan,, klo magicnumbernya tetap bisa langsung di attach ke mt4 kog,. jadi langsung bisa menghandle trade yang masih open

  8. Sir

    When I installed this EA in my account but it is not like trade CSIGroup wuxiaming account 60304
    Why ?
    It is not trade like trangular trade like wuxiaming account ?
    What is the problem?
    Pls help
    I use FBS and super forex broker

    1. i think fbs is not good for this kind of system sir

    2. Sir

      I have tryed more than 20 brokers demo account but all traded loss
      Not traded like wuxiaming account

      Is it really wuxiaming using EA FTL Lightning "Triangular Correlation?
      If yes
      Pls give me his EA set file

    3. Sir

      In Wuxiaming account arbitrage with hedge trading but in EA FTL Lightning "Triangular Correlation
      Not hedge traded so it will loss traded
      Pls help me for wuxiaming account traded EA getting
      My email rcapital1978@yahoo.com

    4. Sir
      I have tryed more than 20 brokers demo account but all traded loss
      Not traded like wuxiaming accounts

      If you will give me wuxiaming accounts ea then I will giving profits sharing to you
      I am fund manager
      You will getting more profits
      But you will traded shows in any demo accounts with spreads 1.5 pips in eurusd account
      Or CSIGroupLtd-Live account login details as opening in windows pc

      I will waiting for replay

      Email rcapital1978@yahoo.com

    5. if you using another broker, try to set ratio sir,.. maybe 2:3:1, 2:1:1, etc,.. you will find good setting by your own develop

    6. Sir

      The wuxiaming account using your EA is it really true?
      If yes then I will trying if yes then I will try becoze I will not time wasting for unused EA
      If you have really wuxiaming accounts EA pls give me
      I will giving profits sharing every month
      You will replay in my email
      I want to as soon as possible for EA using for trade in management system

    7. Sir

      The wuxiaming account ratio is 3:3:3 and 5:5:5
      It is traded arbitrage with locked profit hedge traded
      How can modified these setting in your EA?
      Pls give me details

    8. same ratio just work well on csi broker,. other broker using diferent ratio,.. test on demo first

    9. I will test demo account but loss.
      How can I copy trades from csibroker account 60304 ?
      Only csibroker account profit and very low loss floating
      Can they will use different EA ?

  9. Sir

    The wuxiaming will using your EA FTL Lightning ?
    Or you will own created EA from wuxiaming accounts trades rules?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you for share the Good EA, I have couple of questions.

    1. Do I need to run the EA on all six symbols (EURUSD, EURJPY & USDJPY and GBPUSD, GBPCAD & USDCAD). OR just only on main symbol charts (EURUSD and GBPUSD)?

    2. Do I need to change the Magic Number for each chart or same Magic number for correlation 3 symbols (EU EJ UJ) and the other different Magic number for the other three symbols (GU GC UC).

    Thank You

  12. Hello
    EA expired, I downloaded it again, but it is invalid

  13. has update it,.. default set attach on pairs eurusd only,.. this new update is work for all broker,.. i get good profit on tickmill

    1. thanks bo..which setfiles you RE USING iN TICKMILL // ?? and whats the recommended start balance??

    2. Hello,Thank you for your update, I have DEMO for a day, this version seems to be a bit problematic, the order transaction is immediately closed, resulting in constant losses, can you check? Thank you

  14. thank you very much

  15. Yo lo he descargado y al cabo de unos dias expira. Donde se puede comprar un EA que no sea limitado

    1. just download once at date 25 each month sir.. all free,.. if you want for unlimited period, i think you need license, i can create license for you

    2. Hello yonif.I downloaded the free EA from here and it does not work, it ends up losing. can you show me that it works?

  16. Estafa https://sites.google.com/view/forex-miracle/home

  17. Hello there. I'm trying your robot. but my trades with your trades are very different. Can you give the settings you use?


  18. Would you like to contact me to buy this expert advisor?


    1. this my contact sir https://www.hobiheboh.com/p/contact-us.html

  19. Could you please send me an open copy not limited one

    1. you can download here just once a month only sir,..

  20. I need unlimited period pls can you create licence for me fawaz1fx@yahoo.Com
    Whatsspp 00966543526497

  21. yonif EA does not work well. tell us broker and .set to work. Thank you

    1. csi is good broker for triangular corelation

    2. Other Bróker for european?

    3. i think sure you can use it on other broker,.. but need be patient, because low profit and also need little more time to get close at profit,.. use FTL final to try on other broker,..

  22. Wuxiaoming is a Scam. The trades history is fabricated to scam people.

    1. you can find all live journal on mql5 forum, not just wuxiaoming.. all live trade result is good

    2. for example this live journal

  23. good morning. I downloaded ea robot but it doesn't work. asks me to contact you. what should I do? thank you

    1. this version already expired sir,.. but you can download FTL final version on this web

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