hasil trade dax 15-11-2018 with dax tools

Salam profit with low DD,

Trading DAX hari ini berlangsung pada malam hari dikarenakan sepanjang siang tadi DAX market price hanya berada di tengah garis suport dan resistance (belum menembus), baru pada malam hari akhirnya harga menembus area suport.

Hasil trading DAX
Alhamdulillah meski profit tidak sebesar hari kemarin..

Download DAX tools DIsini>>>>

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  1. Hi,

    Can you add into the DAX tools the option to change the lot? Some brokers are using a standard lot for indices. Thanks

    1. for now,.. DAXtools is for tickmill sir,.. you should try that broker,.. low spread and minimum lots is 0.01
