Setelah banyak sekali request setfile DAX untuk EA breeze, maka saya mempunyai ide untuk membuat EA yang khusus untuk trading DAX yaitu DAX tools. EA ini didesain khusus untuk trading DAX pada broker Tickmill, Jadi pastikan anda memiliki account di broker tickmill sebelum menggunakan ea ini.
Dax tools menggunakan suport and resistance terdekat untuk entry pointnya. EA akan open posisi jika volatility market menembus 100% barrier dan market price juga menembus area suport and resistance.
System trading yang digunakan DAX tools sebagai berikut:
Entry point
1. market volatility crush 100% barrier
2. market price menembus area suport dan resistance.
Exit point
1. trailling stop All.
2. stoploss.
Hasil Backtest dengan balance 100$ pada oktober 2018 default set.
Hasilnya cukup bagus dengan DD 6% kita bisa mendapatkan profit 26% dalam sebulan, Saya kira realistis hasilnya.
Tampilan setting
Tapi sebelumnya saya harus hidden beberapa setting parameter dikarenakan kadang para trader tidak realistis antara risk dan reward nya sehingga selalu ingin cepat profit banyak dengan settingan high risk, imbasnya akan menyalahkan EA yang digunakan jika terjadi loss, padahal sebenarnya money management yang buruklah penyebabnya.. Hal inilah yang saya ingin hindari sehingga dengan menghidden settingan diharapkan profit tetap stabil dan DD nya tetap rendah.
DAX tools menggunakan auto money management (UseMM), sehingga dengan risk yang sama jika kita ingin menambah jumlah profit, maka kita tinggal menambahkan modal saja.
Oke langsung saja yang ingin download Dax Tools
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apakah profitable juga di pakai di broker xm, fbs ?
ReplyDeletetickmill gan,..
DeleteSekarang saya menggunakan BreezeV4 dan resultnya amat bagus (Tickmill). V6 saya blm cuba.
DeleteTerima kasih Gan...
thanks , i'm trying it now for 2 hours , but no trade yet
ReplyDeletesee the chart sir,.. you should see the suport and resistance with yellow line,.. this EA will open order if market price crush suport and resistance line with market volatility above 100%
DeleteTF berapa?
ReplyDeleteNanti tolong diupdate lagi untuk tanggal 15 nov 2018 ya kak (:
Deletetfnya h1 gan
Deletebagaimana cara saya bisa menggunakan ea breeze ini gan?
ReplyDeletetinggal plug and play aj gan,. jd tidak perlu setting lagi
DeletePlease remove symbol name check. The Dax is called at every second broker not DE30, but GER30 or or DAX30.
ReplyDeletethis ea just for tickmill,.. so the symbol is DE30,.. you can't using it with other broker sir,..
DeleteHi Yonif, Cool EA :) Congratulation!
DeleteIt's hard to understand, but the EA works on TF M1 much better as on H1.
I tried also with an ICmarket demo (IC has the same symbol name, but somtimes worse spread)
The IC H1 test destroyed my account, but the M1 result looks good.
Unfortunately the modeling quality at both brokers (Tickmills and IC) is very bad. 24% (any idea why?)
Any way to use the EA by another broker which use the symbol name DAX30?
Would you please modify the EA to be able to change symbol name?
... and where is the lot specification if mm = false? Take Profit? This EA is only half finished.
ReplyDeletei has hidden it to reduce your DD
DeleteI want to change the risk.
ReplyDeleteDo not limit to DE 30.
As I said.....not bullshit....GREAT Bullshit!
ReplyDeleteDo not let the people mess you up.
It may be not the most flexible EA , but it works fine on M1.
Please give the EA at least the option to ba able to add other symbol name.
i dont think so, i think this daxtools can't trade with other broker sir,.. best broker with DAX is tickmill, you should try it on tickmill first
ReplyDeleteHi Yonif, I use the EA and have interesting news for you. Send me pls a short email to to discuss the details:
Can you at least add an option to adjust the lot size?
ReplyDeleteYes please manual lot size parameter
ReplyDeleteMohon contact no.nya Gan....
ReplyDeletehallo yonif thanks for this ea please make for Ger30 my email Thank you
ReplyDeletenext update sir,..
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease make this ea to all broker dax, ger and so on otherwise remove dax pair name from ea chart logic .
ReplyDeletethen it can work with all brokers .
its helpful for all.
sure sir,.. maybe for next update,.
DeleteThanks for reply,
Deleteand i am waiting for update.
DAXtool has update with lotsize and no restriction pairs
DeleteHi can you email me new updated version.
Hi. Brother,
ReplyDeleteI want inform you that i place ea on pepperstone broker after your update but still no trade open on that.
can you please check it if its possible to fix this bug why its happened .
need signal trigger to open order sir,.. so, see on the chart info,. if the market price crush the support or resistance line then with enough volatility, this EA will open trade
Deletei have one request that if you can add spread filter in the ea .
ReplyDeletebecause some time spread is too high and not good profit .
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, daxtools does not work anymore. Here is an error message that an update is necessary. Can you please provide a working version again?
Thanks and Greetings,